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10 Essential Questions to Ask Before Buying Your Dream Home

The excitement to purchase your dream home is something that every New Zealand homeowner has experienced. It’s a delight and a thrill, perhaps even a desperation! The only thing prospective homeowners can think about is signing that contract and moving in. Regardless, rushing into buying your home isn’t always the best thing to do – even if you’ve fallen madly in love with a property! Take it from the expert home builders in Auckland at DW Homes; you should always ask a handful of essential questions before taking the leap into a legal purchase.

Read on for our most recommended 10 questions to ask when buying a house, below.

  1. What is the property’s purchase history? – Specifically, you should ask whether there have been any significant changes in the property’s value over the last ten years. This tells you whether it will increase in resale value, or depreciate.
  2. Are there any zoning laws that will restrict future renovations? – New Zealand instates strict zoning laws across many residential areas, particularly in bustling cities such as New Zealand. These can limit the renovations and extensions that you can carry out in future, so best to address this now!
  3. Are there any additional local charges and levies for the property? – Registered charges against a property can impact your budget.
  4. Have there been any prior building consents granted for the property? – This reveals previous modifications and renovations done to the property, and whether these works were compliant to NZ building regulations or not.
  5. What is the age of the roof, plumbing and electrical systems installed? – A property’s condition depends on the proper and safe function of the roof, plumbing and electricals. Knowing their age and quality informs you of the liveability of your new home.
  6. Are there any local amenities nearby? – Schools, parks, shopping centres and restaurants increase your quality of life in an area. A good public transport network is also worth knowing about!
  7. What is the current insurance coverage and cost for the property? – Not only does this influence your budget, but knowing a property’s insurance history can help you account for potential risks and past issues.
  8. Is the property in a flood zone? – Knowing whether your property is in a flood zone or an area prone to natural disasters is absolutely essential. The surrounding environment can seriously impact your health, safety and the value of your home.
  9. What is the local community like? – People who live in a vibrant, active community are generally happier in their homes than those without. Always query about the demographics of your potential neighbourhood, and whether there are any community benefits, such as local events or associations.
  10. What are the current real estate trends in the area? – Even if you intend to reside in your dream home forever, it’s important to know about the local housing market. This helps you gauge the potential for your property’s value appreciation, should you want to leave it as inheritance one day.

Interested in DW Homes’ services as experienced home builders across Auckland? Please contact us at your earliest convenience, today. We design and build the most beautiful homes to be enjoyed and appreciated for a lifetime.

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